Read on to Explore These Questions…

What is Therapeutic Touch?

What Happens In a Cuddle Session?

How Much Does it Cost?

How Do We Get Started?

Be met with zero judgment, unconditional acceptance, and nurturing touch. I provide a safe, non-sexual environment where touch and connection can occur in the platonic realm.

What Is Therapeutic Touch?

I have found that intimacy can occur on very deep and therapeutic levels outside the sexual / romantic space, and it is those areas I am choosing to cultivate as a cuddle therapist. Platonic touch is a very potent and rich resource with life giving and healing ingredients. Touch calms us, improves our body’s emotional and physical healing processes and kickstarts our parasympathetic nervous system.

It may feel a little different at first if you are new to platonic touch. There’s always an awkwardness of the unfamiliar. It’s a bit of moving against the stream, when our culture widely views physical closeness to be something tied only with romantic and / or sexual intimacy. However, I am a passionate representative on a campaign to draw greater attention to the benefits of platonic touch and enhancing accessibility of it in our culture. I believe touch should be accessible to everyone.

What Happens in a Cuddle Session?

We relax together. I meet you where you are at. Your experience can be more touch based (quiet holding or massage), more relational (talking / sharing), or whatever combination feels right in the moment. There are no expectations of you… only that you are honest and speak up about your desires, needs, and boundaries. We will go over this together, and sometimes it takes a few times to start “getting the hang of it”, and that is perfectly fine. Please understand, these sessions are non-sensual and non-sexual. The goal is not for our energy to rise – but instead we focus on becoming more settled and calm. Sessions with me are warm, affectionate, and safe. I am here to help you sink into greater relaxation and ease, and fill up your cuddle cup.

Nervous and / or first time? I understand! I have a very calming demeanor and can easily guide you through your session.

How Much Does It Cost?

My rate for cuddle therapy is $110 / hr.

I also have a few different package options for you to consider. There is an option and comfort level for every cuddle need.

How Do We Get Started?

First, write me and let me know you’re interested in a session. Then, you can expect:

  • a screening process, which will likely include a phone and / or video call
  • to sign an agreement / waiver
  • to provide a copy of your drivers license (with your choice to have you personal info blacked out).

I take time to make sure that there will be a two way feeling of comfort and ease before we meet for a session.

Location of Services

I am available for outcalls only at this time, and am happy to discuss a location that suits your preferences. Please note; room rates will need to be covered by you, and anywhere further than 10 miles of Santa Cruz incurs a travel fee, based on distance.


Payments via Zelle / Venmo are accepted before the first session. There is a 24 hour cancellation fee.

“I believe you are in for a real treat to immerse yourself with warm, nurturing platonic touch.”

Congratulations for being here! I look forward to meeting you!

Send me a line!