About Avira

I am driven by deep connection and presence. It is my joy and skill to create a safe container for you to experience nourishing touch and connection.

Honoring My Heart’s Calling to Connect With Humans in a Deep & Impactful Way.”

My arrival to therapeutic touch work was born out of my experience of learning to meet my own touch needs after my divorce. Finding myself in a “touch drought” was my wake up call to how vital touch is for our wellbeing. I was also struck by how such a basic need can be so difficult to obtain in our society. Cultivating more touch in my life has actually changed my life. I passionately believe everyone deserves touch, like other basic human needs like food and shelter, and therefore shouldn’t be reserved only for those in romantic relationships. I am an advocate to turn the tide and draw greater attention to the benefits of platonic touch and enhancing its accessibility in our culture.

I’m naturally touch oriented and love to caress, massage, and give big bear hugs as much as I love to receive them. I am an extroverted, enthusiastic, philosophizing, playful and warm hearted person with a deep inner world and an inherent spiritual quality. I value authentic relating, which to me means showing up with compassion, honesty and vulnerability. I often hear from others that they feel safe around me, and that I instill in them a feeling of peace and calm.

I am deeply interested in healing, self growth, and journey work. A random side is that I’m electronic music obsessed and DJ for conscious dance. I am cannabis friendly, however I don’t utilize cannabis as a normal practice before sessions. I am training to offer therapeutic cannabis journeys in the future. I value all the colors in life, the full spectrum of the human experience, and I welcome you as you are.

I am truly excited to meet you!

Kind Words

“Wonderful. A great soul to connect with.”

“This was my first session with a professional cuddler, and it was an amazingly beneficial experience. Soon after getting into it, my anxiety around the strangeness of cuddling with a stranger went away. Avira had great intuition for what felt good, and she tailored my experience to the answers I gave to a set of questions given before the session. I felt relaxed during the session and the hours following. That night I had a deeper sleep with more vivid dreams. I would absolutely do this again.”

“Great session with Avira. She helped me drop in deep and it was blissful.”

Contact Avira